History Watch:
"Mechanical Cops"
In the late 1940’s San Rafael was a growing town with a lot of businesses and an ever increasing traffic problem. Traffic jams in the downtown area became a common occurrence and in early 1950, San Rafael Police Chief Frank Kelly decided to do something about it.
At that time there were no traffic signal lights in San Rafael and it was felt that lights could do something to help with the heavy traffic. A fund was started by the City to save money so traffic signal lights could be installed in certain heavy use intersections, however saving the money was a slow process and it was finally decided that a temporary measure should be put into place.
In early 1951 the age of the mechanical cops began. These were electronically operated portable traffic lights that could be placed at intersections during times of the day when traffic was heavy. In the early mornings and afternoons, when traffic was at its highest peak, the lights were towed to certain intersections for use and they worked well in controlling congestion.
The first intersection where the portable traffic lights were placed was at Third and Irwin Street, which ironically was the same intersection where red light cameras were first installed some 60 years later. The lights were also placed at Second and Lindaro Street as that was a busy intersection. Finally after enough money was raised, the first permanent traffic signal light was installed at the intersection of Third and Irwin Street. Many more were to follow over the following years.
Attached is a photo of San Rafael Police Traffic Officer Art Fellows on his three wheel motorcycle towing those mechanical cops in 1951.
Copyright 2015 Harry Barbier –All Rights Reserved
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