Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sgt. Dave Jones Has Passed Away

Dated April 18, 2013:

I just received this message from Anita Rose, SRPD Chief's Secretary.  
Karen Jones called today to say that her father, retired Sgt David Jones, passed away early this morning at 4:23 am after a long battle with Hodgkin's lymphoma.  Having worked at the San Rafael Police Department since 1967, he retired as a sergeant in 1982.  David was living in Manteca.  A memorial service will be held for him in Tracy; service details are pending.  I will update everyone with the family's plans when they are finalized.

Note from Gene:  I just spoke with Dave a few weeks ago.  He was his usual cheerful self and anxious to see all of us again at this year's Blue 3 Choir Practice.  He told me how much he enjoyed visiting with everybody at past events and how he missed SRPD.

Dave was a great guy.  He was a very good Patrol Sergeant and I enjoyed working with him for a couple of years when we both worked Patrol.  I enjoyed his stories and he had an infectious laugh and smile.

Dave will be missed.

Update Information on April 22, 2013:  

I received the following news today from Anita Rose, Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police, regarding services for Dave.

"Good Morning, Gene --
Here is the additional information for David Jones.  I spoke to David's wife this morning, Sony Jones.  The Chief will be sending an honor guard to the service.
Thank you for sending the notice out to the retirees.  David Jones's family is very grateful for anything we can do.  
Thank you!"

She included the message below from Dave's daughter, Karen.

The service will be held on April 30th at 11 am.  It will be at Hotchkiss Mortuary at 5 West Highland Ave in Tracy, Ca.   Phone number - 209 835-4072

I don't know what if anything the police dept can do.  When I say this, I think my step mother is hoping maybe a couple of officers could come or maybe a letter or something. I have no idea.  She wanted your phone number, so I gave it to her. I don't know if she will call.  She is a basket case at the moment so forgive her if she loses it on the phone.

From what I remember, you said you would let the association know what happened when I got the details.  

I will call the Independent Journal and take out the obituary today.  Please let me know that you got this and maybe you have some thoughts in regards to this.

Thanks so much..


Note from Gene:  Unfortunately I can't make it to the services.  If any of you can make it, perhaps you can car pool.  It would be nice if a few of us retirees can make it to his service and represent all of us who can't be there sharing the services.

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